About Stefanie Maass
I have been riding/competing horses in some sort of discipline for over 40 years, from western pleasure to cross country jumping. I did not discover vaulting until my 40s which I began doing with my then 7-year-old daughter to help rebuild our confidence after and tragic horse accident. I have never been gymnastically inclined, and neither is my daughter (at least she can do a cartwheel). I love doing different things with horses and I thought “why not” it was scary and I felt vulnerable doing something I had no experience in especially at my age. I found that it could be paced to the person and that I didn’t have to back flip off the back of a horse my first night…. or ever. I did have to push my boundaries and that was beyond helpful in helping myself and my daughter regain our confidence, not to mention using muscles I did not know I had.
Outside my horsey life I am a board-certified Emergency and Family Nurse Practitioner with a a PhD in Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition. My husband and I own a wellness center in Scottsdale which thankfully my husband manages. I also work per diem at urgent cares and Emergency Departments in the valley. My son is also involved with horses, but you are more likely going to see him roping steers. We also have the business “Maass Ranch” where we as a family make all-natural body butter, scalp solutions and sunscreen!

Discover the Magic of Horse Vaulting at our Scottsdale, Arizona Gypsy Horse Gymnastics Vaulting Club!
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